Author: Eduardomin
Vote For Quality Schools
Worpress site / template for Vote For Quality Schools, a Dale Scott & Company site that runs financial campaigns for school districts. Every campaign will use the template on different domains using one database. Go: VFQS
Spa Dog Botanicals
Spa Dog Botanicals was an existing WP site that needed to be moved to a new server, and I removed the dreaded iFrame header hack. Go: Spa Dog Botanicals
AllBusiness / D&B Digital
I set up the initial CSS and wrote out the blocks of HTML that the AB engineers turned into CMS modules that became I maintained the CSS and was the Senior Producer through August 2010. Go:
Nick Cifuentes
Wordpress site for Nick Cifuentes, a social media blogger in San Francisco. Go: Nick Cifuentes
Nancy Verrier
Wordpress site created for Nancy Verrier, an author who specializes in Adoption issues. Go: Nancy Verrier
Apple – Mother’s Day Campaign
Apple Store Mother’s Day campaign with Eleven No link – campaign ended.
Archive Institute UK
The UK WordPress site of Archive Institure, a non profit based in Britain, was ported over to the US site and moved to a new server. Go: Archive Institure